• Thank you friends readers and passers-by for your continuous support to my blog. I will not be able to update often now and many articles and short story left hanging in the draft box due to the pressure of time lately but nevertheless I am trying to cope with it and will post few as time goes by.

    Pleasant day and have a good life.



    Good things come to those who wait.
    Better things come to those who try.
    Best things come to those who believe.
    Desired things come to those who pray.

    "Islamic Thinking"

    A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving.
    Lao Tzu

  • October 2012
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Sebuah Cerita Dari Hati

Video credit to : Meloterapung via YouTube

Tatkala angin bertiup dingin
Kita menyusuri tebing sungai ini
Sepi tanpa suara
Cuma sekadar menikmati cuaca malam
Serta neon yang bergemerlapan

Antara kita
Tenggelam dalam sejuta rasa
Dibawa angin yang berlalu
Berterbangan di alam maya

Aneh terlalu aneh
Kesepian di antara dua insan
Yang berjalan beriringan
Berteman bayu malam serta gemerlapan neon
Serta deruan kenderaan
Namun ada rasa yang mengikat

Tanda diduga
Tawa kecil kedengaran dari bibir mulusmu
Kuntuman senyuman kau lemparkan
Rambut ikalmu diterbang angin
Menanda rasa yang telah lama hilang

Arghh betapa aku rindu
Pada segalanya…

Ku petik kata-kata pujangga
Di masa hayunan kaki terus melangkah

Bahawa cinta
Bagai mekarnya bunga di musim salju
Bagaikan air yang berada di padang kering dan tandus
Cinta jua bagaikan teriknya mentari yang bersinar di hati
Andai cinta mampu di ukur
Ia umpama lautan yang dalam tanpa hujungnya

Suara halusmu mengeluh resah
Lalu butir bicara melepasi bibir merahmu..

Terlalu banyak erti cinta…mengapa?
Kenapa cinta juga datang pada saat yang tak diduga?
Cinta mesti juga diuji dengan kehilangan
Apakah indahnya cinta saat ada sedih dan gundah?
Kenapa hati mesti bergetar setiap kali nama disebut?
Adakalanya tersenyum sendiri dan termenung
Mestikah cinta ada rindu?

Diantara kita kembali
Sewaktu mencari jawapan kepada pertanyaan hati
Lalu semuanya menjadi tak pasti
Untuk dimengertikan rasa cinta ini
Dalam pencarian cinta sejati
Yang sehingga kini tidak ditemui

Lantas aku memetik lagi kata-kata pujangga
Bahawa setiap saat adalah keindahan hidup ini
Bunga yang mekar di awal pagi
Mentari yang bersinar
Burung-burung yang berkicauan
Rama-rama yang berterbangan
Selagi nafas tidak berhenti
Hidup ini adalah pasti…

Aku memperlahankan langkah
Lalu aku berdiri kaku
Sehingga memaksa kau jua berhenti

Aku menarik nafas yang amat dalam
Mencari bait-bait kata untuk dilafazkan
Di dalam kedinginan yang makin menggigit
Amat terasa di hujung jari jemariku
Lalu aku hulurkan tangan
Dengan penuh harapan kau menyambutnya…

Harapan ku tidak hampa
Bersama senyuman kau menyambut tanganku
Sesaat itu akulah yang paling bahagia

Dengan perlahan aku berkata
Andainya ini saja waktu yang diperuntukan untuk kita
Kerna nanti bila sang suria menampak wajah
Mungkin kita harus melangkah
Meninggalkan malam ini sebagai kenangan

Suaraku mula tersekat-sekat
Wajahmu tidak mampu lagi untuk aku tatap
Kerna adanya air jernih yang bertakung
Di kelopak matamu
Aku jua menahan rasa dengan getaran di suara
Lalu aku hulurkan sekeping kertas
Sebagai pesanan untuk kita bersama


Nilai cinta yang tulus tidak pernah kenal penat dan lelah, tidak akan kering di musim panas, tidak mungkin luluh di musim hujan, juga tidak akan membeku di musim dingin. Cinta itu akan terus mekar walau bukan di musim bunga. Cinta suci adalah cinta yang bersandar atas kepercayaan, pengorbanan, dan ketulusan hati. Jika cinta adalah segalanya maka kejujuran mestilah yang utama, jika kesetiaan terbukti oleh waktu maka senyum seorang kekasih adalah keindahan yang tiada tara tapi cinta tetap penuh dengan misteri kerana itu kita mesti jadikan cinta sebagai singghsana yang terindah dalam kehidupan kita. Carilah teman ibarat lilin yang rela habis demi terang dan jangan sesekali mencari teman ibarat kumbang yang habis manis sepah dibuang.

Owned and written by : Sanaa 30/10/12

Let’s Korean

Hello everyone…

I had the most trying Sunday. With body aching, sign of fever and cold everything seems lifeless. I can’t actually concentrate on anything. About 2 pm today I am trying hard to pen down few words but nothing comes through. After tossing for nearly half an hour I browse YouTube. It seems working when the first music video I found was from a Korean drama series “The Full House”. I watched the series once but I watched My Girl twice. Nothing actually extra ordinary with My Girl, I guess. The songs actually attract me from the beginning and the pairing of Lee Dong Wok and Lee Da Hae kind of remind me of our local scene.

While shooting and promoting the drama there was a buzz in Korea and from their fans praying that they become a couple. On few interviews they just laughed it off and keep on saying they are good friend. Lee Dong Wok met with an accident (if I recall correctly) and Lee Da Hae was shooting an advertisement in Australia. Da Hae heard the news and they supposed to meet that weekend for My Girl promo and brought along a box of chocolate for Dong Wok. A box of chocolate gets their fans screaming their heart out but that was about all I knew.

“My Girl” was one of biggest hit in Korean drama series. It was screen in SBS in 2006. After a while watching Korean Drama I felt their storyline almost the same BUT again they seems never been bored by young loves. Watching few clips from “My Girl” and “Full House” remind me that love is always a favourite theme of all and year round. Wherever I go people seems to connect with Korean Drama and Movies. Why is that?

My random checking with few and their feed back almost the same…they love to watch love stories with complicated story line and it is a normal day-to-day life as compared to our local production. Especially now with all adaptation most viewers bored with it. Few things I do realise in a Korean Drama they have touched many local fans with their true culture and lifestyles. Day to-day life is the lifestyle and struggle of the poor and the conglomerate. The scene at their walk side café and stalls never miss in their drama and they loves to show their country in every scene. I do think that’s the beauty of it. Never forget the producers also like to introduce new faces.

Another thing that I admire them is about the storyline of young love and their struggle to meet their dreams in life together with falling in love which is lacking in our local production. We always cocoon ourselves with few storylines like the arranged or forced marriage, revenged, rowdy behaviour and religion. I must admit at times I do feel foolish about it but again and again it is fresh and they did not fight with Hollywood. They have their originality.

So, let’s watch few of the video clips and enjoy the rest of your Sunday dear friends and readers.


Sanaa 28/10/12

Video credit to : FefeGibigib via youtube (Scene from “MY GIRL”

Video credit to : avatarfumi via youtube (Scene from ‘MY GIRL”)

Video credit to : britchel via YouTube (‘MY GIRL” theme song = Love Is Hard)

Video credit to : EdisonMyLove via YouTube (Scene from “MY GIRL”)

Video credit to : yoohoo84 via YouTube (‘MY GIRL’ – I CRY)

Lukis lah…..

Video credit to : TheEscapar via youtube

Kembali lagi aku ke sini
Menjadi pemerhati pada alam
Desiran ombak memukul pantai
Merasakan diri amat kerdil
Dalam kerinduan yang makin menebal

Aku merenung langit malam
Bulan bagaikan tersenyum
Memerhati aku dengan seribu rasa
Bintang jua berkelip-kelip
Memberi cahaya dan semangat dalam diri

Dalam sepi
Aku merayu supaya
Jari-jemari halus mu
Melukis wajahku di langit-langit hati
Diiring senyum dalam aneka warna
Di bibir merah milik mu

Duhai kekasih
Rakamlah wajahku di langit-langit hati
Semoga nanti di saat kau memejam mata
Masih mampu melihat senyum ku
Kerana ketika angin malam bertiup dingin
Aku pasti hadir memberi hangat hatimu

Wahai bidadari hati
Mampukah kau melukis aku di langit-langit hatimu
Semoga nanti saat kau mencelik mata
Di saat kau terjaga dari lena nan panjang
Hanya suaraku yang memberi salam
Lalu menjadikan sapaanku
Mengindahkan dan menyemarak cinta di awal harimu.

Andainya kau mampu melukis senyumanku
Di seluruh langit-langit hatimu
Semoga nanti ke manapun kakimu berpijak
Aku pasti akan menyertai langkahmu
Menemani setiap gundah jiwamu
Walaupun jasad ini tiada lagi disisimu

Lukislah sayangku
Wajah suram ini
Di keliling langit-langit hatimu
Agar kau tak melupakanku
Supaya aku jua selalu dapat membayangimu
Kemana saja langkah ini ku bawa
Kerna aku telah lama melukis wajahmu
Di setiap ruang langit-langit hatiku

Di langit-langit hatimu
Tanpa kanvas dan pena yang beraneka warna

Owned and written by : Sanaa 27/10/12

Di Persimpangan

Video credit to : lezooze via youtube

Ada seekor camar……
Pada senja yang datang dan pergi
Berterbangan di pantai ini
Menjadi lumrah
Pada suatu keadaan
Yang membentuk sebuah hakikat
Dalam pencarian
Sarang yang tidak ditemui

Seekor camar
Mencari jalan pulang
Yang makin samar
Kelam yang makin menampak bayang

Segalanya bermula
Dengan gerimis dilalui
Kerna tergelincir
Di satu persimpangan..

Sedarlah wahai camar…
Semalam yang kehilangan
Merupakan takdir

Janganlah kau tangisi
Kekecewaan yang datang
Walaupun luka itu amat dalam
Meski pun telah kehilangan
Yang mungkin tidak kembali

Wahai camar
Terimalah kehilangan itu
Sebagai tanda hikmah
Bak lukisan
Yang tidak mampu kau siapkan

Camar ku sayang
Jangan sesekali kau tangisi
Atas kehilangan yang lalu
Jangan kau bazirkan airmata mu
Sesungguhnya ia amat berharga

Bangkitlah wahai camar ku
Sinar ada dihadapan mu
Kerana waktu tidak pernah kejam
Untuk terus memberi sinar
Kepada orang-orang yang
Terus mencarinya

Setiap kali aku menyusuri maya
Pasti akan aku mencari
Pasti akan aku melewati
Mencari keindahan dan kelembutan
Camar ku
Kerna detik waktu yang berlalu
Tetap akan ku hitung datang dan perginya

Aku masih di sini
Mencari dan terus mencari
Kepastian dalam diri
Mencari keutuhan kesungguhan hati
Luhurnya kasih
Budi yang mewangi
Untuk aku meniti hari-hari…

Pastinya nanti
Akan aku taburi haruman kasturi
Semoga ada yang sudi mengutipnya lagi
Untuk disimpan di dalam hati
Semoga harum kasih yang mewangi
Tanpa dusta mengkhianati janji…..

Owned and written by : Sanaa 23/10/12

Masa Berlalu…

Cahaya bulan menyeliputi malam
Bersama kenangan dan keasyikan
Mundar mandir aku mencari rasa
Yang kian mengetuk pintu hati
Sejak pertemuan lalu

Kisah yang bakal mengulang rindu
Yang bakal mengocak segala kedamaian
Aku mengira detik waktu
Tak mungkin….tak mungkin
Jeritku pada bulan

Sesungguhnya aku masih bermimpi
Bahawa nanti kau hadir
Menyambut lembut huluran tangan ini
Bersama lirikan senyum
Sepasang mata yang bersinar

Seraut wajah nan tenang
Ku tatap
Gerak bibir bagaikan berkata
Namun tanpa sepatah bicara
Kau aku hampiri…

Mata yang bersinar
Bagaikan berkata
Di saat pertembungan yang kian meresah
Pertemuan semula
Kini yang mampu menghangatkan bahang cinta
Yang terpendam sejak lama

Apakah mungkin
Kau dan aku
Meniti kembali batas-batas ini
Bersama harapan yang pernah terkulai
Bersama impian yang hancur berkecai
Di antara celahan hati yang masih bersisa
Perit duka dan kecewa sebuah perpisahan

Apakah jua getaran ini
Hadir dengan rasa cinta
Yang masih terpendam
Di antara kau dan aku

Kita berdiri di sini
Masih jua tanpa bicara
Bagaikan kaku
Sekadar membiarkan alam
Mengupas setiap nada
Pertemuan ini

Apakah aku masih mampu
Menagih kesan cinta dahulu
Yang pernah menggunung tinggi
Sekembalinya aku di batas-batas ini…

Owned and written by : Sanaa 22/10/12

Personalities and Public Perception

Weekends usually meant for us to spend time with friends, families and love ones. It is a normal routine for us I am sure. Few of us will grumble for not having enough time during weekend to do everything they have planned and there will be intervened by others or situation during the two days. This weekend although less hectic for me but the activities was fun with my nephew and nieces. I love to play the caring and doting aunty once in a while. Catching up my breath by mid day Sunday, reading few days’ newspaper in a row not forgetting the gossip column of local artist I smile to myself. What are we getting into now? Bringing Hollywood into the scene or being an artist we shouldn’t be afraid of critics about our personalities and public perception.

Observing the trend and scenarios of the local scene, the word “minta maaf” has been used unethically by our artist lately. Another favourite terms been used is “nilai kerjaya saya bukan peribadi saya” or when been interviewed by media their common saying goes “jangan terlalu pertikaikan soal peribadi, tumpukan kepada kerjaya”. Today of all days I’ve been reading few sensation gossip columns and the hit of the week was dress worn by Nabila Huda at the Anugerah Blockbuster and picture of Erin Malik in her instagram. The two merely example of all I’ve heard about our local artist. Mentioning names is bad but I have no alternative since I need to give example. About two weeks ago the end of relationship of Yuna and Qi together with Remy and Tiz sizzles for days. All the slandering words, comments, debating between the haters and fanatic fans were heard and read. After all the drama, it does quieten down now and I do sincerely hope all of them have move on and wish them success in their life and career.

I catch up few minutes of my quiet hours; suddenly my eyes catch a book on the rack about personality. What a co-incidence, since a friend call yesterday and we were actually gossiping a bit about what’s going on in the local entertainment industry. We were exchanging notes about our local talent which a small number of them full of negative gossip even though their acting skills or singing is phenomenal. Another small group belongs to not so amazingly with talent but their faces often on the screen due to their clean image or personality. As people say, whatever they do behind the wall or curtain is their life but when they are in public they portray a good image and being love by all with their smiles and good vibes. Negative gossip about them hardly heard. I am sure nobody knows how they lead their lives but this group of celebrities are careful with their personal lives in order to remain long in the industry. I think we must accept the truth behind this “gossip sells” especially the negatives and we will attracted to read it every time. We are not being honest with ourselves if we denied this fact. As a public figure particularly celebrities and more over in Malaysia which the numbers are small, each steps, each movement, each behaviour, etc being watched and scrutinize by many. The hungry gossip column reporter just waiting for their opportune time to disclosed anything they know and knew. Whenever gossip hits the column the celebrities will come forward to give their statements as defending themselves which after long many of their fans getting bored with all the excuses.

I am sure as a general public we need to have a good personality too for us to succeed. It has been life motto for long and is very important characteristic. Many motivation speakers will emphasize on this one word “PERSONALITY’. Personality can be build by learning few skills in our daily life. This is not because of having money or position. This is actually lacking in our society and when someone or group trying to deal with this most of us will be in denial because we love to say “this is my life so I will lead my way and you lead yours”.

Among quotes from an actress I found this two from Mae West what is personality is all about. Personality is the glitter that sends your little gleam across the footlights and the orchestra pit into that big black space where the audience is.
Mae West

Personality is the most important thing to an actress’s success.
Mae West

Mae Jane West born (August 17, 1893 – November 22, 1980),known as Mae West, was an American actress, playwright, screenwriter and sex symbol whose entertainment career spanned for seven decades. If she laid emphasis on personality I am sure she feels responsible towards it as an actress and she survived in the industry. Don’t you think she’s right on personality?
As far as personality goes it is not plastic, unless we want to look at it as plastic faces and act. Through my reading about personalities and observation, it is a skill for us to learn and adapt. It is how we bring our image to another person. In another word it is first impression. People more often than not; judge another human being on their first meeting. According to few the first 10 minutes of introduction is a good way to impress the other party about ourselves. We usually found this or need this during job interviews. The body language while talking to people or the interviewer, the eye contact, face expression, confident level, dressing, sitting and standing position and many more being observed and being the ticket for us to secure the job and position. Do you agree?

According to Mae West “personality is the most important thing to an actress success” and her career spanned in the industry for seven decades is magnificent. During my working years, attending few motivational talks the speaker always emphasis on following the footsteps of successful people and never afraid of failure. This is all about cause and effect because being successful is not easy. We must strive to succeed. Succeed comes with a package of working hard, listen to advice, be humble, learn and keep on learning, don’t be hard-headed and many more good qualities in us needed for success. Will it be any different from what Mae West saying to become an artist? As I see it, all of this is cycle of life. I must agree we are not able to have all but we are able to have the best. The decision is ours and the path is wide open for us to choose and leave a trail.

The negative values in human being are many too. All of us have negative elements which like a build-in mechanism in our body. Since it comes to us in a package during birth and many more input during our grown up years, we will without doubt needed time to overcome and replace the negatives with positives. While in this process we need to adjust ourselves with many things and willing to change progressively. Being a good listener to advices does not mean we must follow each word without thinking. This is a dangerous characteristic if we did not use our mind and thinking capability. Changes are not following blindly and this is part of personality in the making too.

Many of us or all of us have this word in ourselves JEALOUSY. The different of jealousy is what makes us different from others. How we transformed jealousy into success with great personality will bring us to the top. Personality also covered by our religion. Wherever we are or what our believe PERSONALITY is a must for us to adhere. All religion teaches us about cleanliness, punctual, respect ourselves, respect the adults and be a good human being in the society. It is also included our dressing to an event or function. As we are in Malaysia and almost ¾ of the population are Muslim we are not able to run away with rules and regulation in dressing. Few design of evening gown or cocktail dress might trigger the public sensitivity. Over bearing and over revealing will certainly cause the talk of the town for weeks. The designer and the person who wore the dresses might feel it appropriate for the occasion without thinking the fuzz and buzz of others. It is again wrong to ask the public not to judge because the person concerned does not even think about the consequences before wearing them. If the wearer is a public figure and known celebrities, she will not able to stop anyone from talking and commenting. This is because they did not respect themselves but expected to be respected.

In sense of dressing I must say not many understand the description between sexy, revealing, smart casual, classy and clown. Colours are component of our personality as well. Let’s take a look at black. What people in general associates black with the human nature. I am sure nothing is wrong with black as black is formal but if we keep on wearing black even on our festive day, the wearer must be so insecure human being as the Chinese feng shui says it is bad luck.

The interpretation of black in colour is “Black is authoritative and powerful; because black can evoke strong emotions, too much can be overwhelming. Black represents a lack of colour, the primordial void, emptiness. It is a classic colour for clothing, possibly because it makes the wearer appear thinner and more sophisticated”. Black as well have an effect on us physically. In general black will make someone inconspicuous, emptiness and mysterious by evoking a sense of potential and possibility. In general I assume all this as lack of confident and the wearer always hiding behind the colour (details of other colours please do not hesitate to browse the attached website).

If we focus on colours and personality it will definitely gives us a complete range why not many of us wanting to focus on it. Let me bring us back to the issue of celebrities in our local industry; at times I do feel they rather let people critics instead of give a time to observed themselves and make them appreciate their body and mind through sense of dressing and behaviour. Social etiquette is much lacking in our local entertainment industry. Through gossip I’ve learned our celebrities do not truly know to differentiate between excess and less; which less is more. Each time gossip hits the media it is always party, revealing dress, drunk, smoking, cats and dogs fight via social media which each group can be minimise and avoided. I am not saying they are not allowed to attend parties and if they think it is alright to consume the liquor, why not? But again, there is limit to everything. Even in Hollywood we will notice the actors and actress with problems will not be cast in many projects and their problems or issues is more highlighted and not their acting skills and career. It is the same all over and why can’t we take the good and left the bad?

Is it so difficult to cultivate good personalities in us? I always ask this question to my junior colleagues. Another perception of personalities is expensive clothes, designer’s item and must have tons of money. That is bimbo definition of personalities, my dear ladies.

Again and again our local artist making the same mistakes and I sincerely feel it is time for all involves attending etiquette school on how to talk, how to dress, how to stay away from negatives issues and many more. As an artist and celebrities, actors and actresses it is even essential to know your designers for clothing. Learn and acquire skills of knowing “less is more”.

I always admire Aisyawarya Rai, Kareen Kapoor, Pretty Zinta and many more Bollywood actress in their saree for award presentation. Without doubt the saree has gone through many changes but they still adorn themselves in this traditional costume. They really look sexy with the vibrant colours against their skin. Simple and elegant with moderate revealing and furthermore it is their traditional costume. Can we beat it?

Another favourite foreign actress of mine is Zhang Xi Yi who acted in Memoirs of a Geisha (her complete biography and profile: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhang_Ziyi) She started studying dancing at the tender age of 8 and later she joined Beijing Dance Academy by her parents suggestion at the age of 11. I do believe Zhang build her personalities from her dance classes at early age. I am sure Zhang faced with ups and downs of the entertainment world but with determination plus strong personalities and good rapport she is much sought after actress in this era.

So, what takes us to build a personality? Is it the family name we carry? Is it wealth? Is it paper qualification with degree, masters and master degree? Is it just purely humble and truthful to our own self? Without a doubt the personal attribute to a good personality comes with good heart, true, honest and sincere and leading life without any prejudice. As this old saying goes…”the perfect beauty comes from the heart”.

A thought by : Sanaa 14/10/12



Video credit to : TheHaikal35 via youtube

Kita minta matahari, tapi Dia memberi hujan dan ribut. Siapalah yang mengetahui Dia sebenarnya ingin memberi kita pelangi. Ujian itu sememangnya perit. Kita minta pula rama-rama Dia memberi kita ulat yang hodoh. Kepada sesiapa yang sabar, ulat itu pastinya nanti akan menjadi rama-rama yang indah, kepada yang tidak sabar pula sebenarnya telah membuang suatu pemberian yang teramat indah. Marilah sama-sama kita renungkan kata-kata ini

Salam ikhlas di awal pagi Jumaat yang bharakah ini…

Sanaa 19/10/12


Ya Rasulullah,
Kala ku kuak tabir kasihmu
Yang terlakar kemas dalam dakapan waktu
Aku malu sendiri
Terpatung daku pada hakikat diri

Cuba ku ketuk benteng keras di hati
Yang berpalit agam karat mazmumah
Hati, yang kian jauh bermusafir
Jauh dari kenangan kasihmu nan terpatri

Ya Mustafa,
Andai hari ini dikau menjengukku
Pasti menitis air matamu itu
Pasti ceriamu berbuah lesu
Pasti tak terbayang keperitan rajukmu

Diri ini kian lupa
Lupa pada hakikat sebagai khalifah
Yang kau wariskan padaku..
Yang kau wariskan pada umatmu ini

Diri ini mendamba syafaatmu
Mendamba sinar cintamu nan sejati
Namun diri ini mungkir
Mungkir pada janji nan terukir

Ya habibi,
Maafkan daku
Maafkan daku
Maafkan daku

Akan kucari kembali sinar kasihmu itu
Agar sirna zulumat di hati
Agar terungkai resah nan lama bertaut
Agar aku kembali mengikat rantai perjuanganmu

Ya Rabbi
Sampaikan salamku buatnya
Buat kekasihMu itu
Moga kau limpahi hati ini
Dengan baraan semangat berapi
Moga kau penuhi hati ini
Dengan cinta setegar Abu Bakr
Moga kasih ini bertaut kembali…

Tewaskanlah kelemahan ini ya Rabbi
Moga warna ceria mujahadah insani
Bersinar kembali

…pasrah mencari cinta hakiki dalam medan pertempuran nafsu nan tak bertepi…

Puisi dari – QalamNeirysa-
27 April 2005
8:02 PM
Rathmines, Dublin.

Compiled by : Sanaa 19/10/12

Pelangi Yang Pudar

Di awal pagi
Tatkala embun masih menitis
Aku melayar hati
Yang terkadang membuat aku menangis
Terkadang amat menyiksa
Ada jua aku tertawa
Di saat aku mengumpul kenangan lalu
Yang aku tinggalkan di sisiku
Sehingga merasa waktu telah terlalu perlahan

Aku tewas lagi
Airmata menitis perlahan
Membuat aku tidak mampu
Beredar dari permulaan
Saat bersama
Walaupun sedetik

Tidak aku pernah menyesal
Jua tidak sesekali menyesali kehadiranmu
Mencintai dan mengasihi
Sehingga dalam ke relung hati
Yang pernah mengabdikan bahagia suka dan duka

Kita meniti detik-detik waktu
Mencari kesempurnaan dalam diri
Bertahankan kasih dan cinta
Hingga aku terlupa
Dirimu dan diriku bukan boneka
Yang layak menjadi tontonan

Awan-awan hitam mula menampak bayang
Menandakan ribut yang diundang
Kita beralun di dalam ganas gelombang
Bagaikan menanti karam
Lalu kita lemas
Terkapai-kapai sendiri

Warna-warna pelangi yang pernah ada
Mula pudar satu persatu
Hati dicengkam digigit pilu
Tangis yang tiada sendu
Yang akhirnya terlerai…

Owned and written by : Sanaa 18/10/12

Your Heart and Mine

Video credited to : rhysspure via youtube

Hateful words, slandering comments, low self-esteem, lack of confidence
And fear is what my heart is saying to you…
On the outside, on the inside I am crying for help
Saying I love you unconditionally, and please never leave me…
But it’s this wall I can’t break down to let you in,
For if you were to see the real me, what would you think?
Would you still love me?
Would you hate me?
Or would you accept me?

It’s a chance too far outside of my comfort zone to take
So I will stay here in my selfish wall unwilling to let you in
And at the same time, begging you to rescue me..
Save me from myself…Full of anxiety and worry and anger what do I do from here..
Where do I turn, l love you and I hate you…….

I can’t help you because you won’t let me in..
My pride is important it makes me who I am….
I need you to show me you love me and you say you can’t..
What am I left to do? I can’t take that chance..
I love you and I hate you…please help me understand..

Low self-esteem unsure of who I am…
The one thing I know is I need you hand in hand…
Take this journey with me, step over the bumps and lets just jump..
We will soar over the wall together instead of breaking it down…
To new heights we will go hand in hand

Look deep in my heart and understand
Together we will make a rock
Solid on foundation unsure of what the future holds one thing stay true
You and I together we can make it through…

Crissy Holloway

Compiled by : Sanaa 11/10/12

Diari Sang Pencerita

Video credit to : nurmulyanna via youtube

Senjakala berwarna jingga
Pemberian Ilahi untuk kita semua
Bersyukur kita anugerah diterima
Maghrib tiba bersujud kita kepadaNYA

Salam diberi hati terkenang
Entahkan bila nanti kan hilang
Senyum di bibir nampaknya senang
Dalam hati berkocak bergoncang

Ibarat pungguk rindukan bulan
Nyanyian merdu sayu kedengaran
Mencari hikmah di sebalik kejadian
Terungkai rasa tiada kekesalan

Adat berkasih rajuk dan manja
Berjauh hati punca segala
Marah dan benci bermaharajalela
Bicara terkeluar tanpa diduga

Terlajak perahu boleh diundur
Kata terlepas buruk padahnya
Kata pula berbunyi takbur
Bimbang nanti badan yang merana

Sakit kecewa derita dirasa
Itulah padah menyimpan marah
Sesal kemudian tiada berguna
Tatkala hati kian parah

Alam bercinta indah belaka
Sehari tak jumpa rindu terasa
Bila tersedar di alam nyata
Pedih dan perit mesti diterima

Budak-budak belayar rakit
Rakit dibuat dengan buluh
Hidup ini bagaikan sempit
Tatkala hati ditikam luluh

Duduk mengenang orang nan jauh
Hati tercuit lalu mengeluh
Bukan takdir ingin disuluh
Cuma fikiran yang belum sembuh

Berbau wangi si buah kuinin
Masak sebiji ramai teringin
Walaupun hati kian dingin
Namun ada panasnya di balik angin

Senyum sendiri perkara biasa
Bila terkenang kisah lama
Itulah yang terjadi pada sang pencerita
Mencari hikmah di mana ada

Sebelum jauh kaki melangkah
Ku pohon kasih tidak berbalah
Jangan disiksa hati nan gundah
Berbaik sangka senyum menyerlah

Terima kasih cjolimoli
Dara Teruna timangan diberi
Tetap ku bawa angan dan impi
Adam dan Nur tersemat di hati

Tidak salah bermain kata
Andai itu pengubat duka
Takdir yang hadir tetap diterima
Kerana manisnya tentu ada

Angin bertiup terasa nyaman
Bulan dan bintang menghiasi malam
Indah sungguh segala kenangan
Tiada sedikit berasa kelam

Adam dan Nur diberi kekuatan
Di dalam cerita kejayaan dicipta
Setinggi mana letaknya harapan
Masih ada yang tidak terduga

Hamba bermohon untuk meneruskan
Mencari ilham dalam kepayahan
Kekuatan berdua masih digenggaman
Hadiah terindah naskah kenangan

Mengenali tidak bersua pun tidak
Namun indahnya sentiasa nampak
Kata orang rezeki jangan ditolak
Tetap ku tulis walaupun hati berkocak

Batas-batas kenangan ku jejaki
Tidak mungkin hilang walau sehari
Jiwa ku berpegang pada mimpi dan impi
Walaupun sekadar menulis di sini

Katalah apa saja semahu mu
Tetap ku teroka setiap waktu
Mungkin sesaat bagaikan sembilu
Tetap ku coret indahnya buatku

Terima kasih tidak terhingga
Dari mula kisah bercerita
Yakin ku tak goyah dengan adanya
Inspirasi diberi tanpa diduga

Penulis pasti terus bercerita
Derita jua jadi gembira
Senyum dan tawa pengubat segala
Adam dan Nur masih kuat auranya

Seorang sahabat pernah berkata
Baik atau buruk kelebihan pasti ada
Esok atau lusa bukan kita
Hanya Allah yang menentukannya

Hati merasai pedih dilalui
Pengalaman indah tersemat di hati
Sekali lagi terima kasih ucap ku di sini
Langkah mu akan terus ku ikuti

Langit dan bumi saling memerlukan
Itulah kata jadi pegangan
Walaupun terpisah di seberang lautan
Suatu hari pasti ada pertemuan

Janganlah sengketa sengaja dicari
Carilah hikmah pegangan diri
Zikir selawat mudah diikuti
Sebagai usaha pengubat hati

Beringatlah jua di manapun kita berdiri
Budi pekerti tetap dipandang tinggi
Jangan sampai berdendam di hati
Kelak nanti merana diri

Itu saja dahulu pesanan hamba
Kepada adinda berdua
Berharap jangan adanya sengketa
Perjalanan hidup belum tentu halanya

Sampai di sini luahan rasa
Bukan penamat segala cerita
Selagi ada badan dan nyawa
Ku menulis dengan bahagia

Owned and written by : Sanaa 11/10/12