• Thank you friends readers and passers-by for your continuous support to my blog. I will not be able to update often now and many articles and short story left hanging in the draft box due to the pressure of time lately but nevertheless I am trying to cope with it and will post few as time goes by.

    Pleasant day and have a good life.



    Good things come to those who wait.
    Better things come to those who try.
    Best things come to those who believe.
    Desired things come to those who pray.

    "Islamic Thinking"

    A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving.
    Lao Tzu

  • May 2015
    M T W T F S S
  • Archives

Ribuan Bintang-Bintang

Malam menjelma lagi
Kau hadir menemani
Lalu kita berbicara
Bersama-sama menghitung bintang

Kaulah cahaya
Kaulah bintang
Membawa angin cinta
Membangkitkan rasa rindu
Bersama hembusan bayu
Ku tebarkan selendang kasih

Namamu ku ukir
Disetiap baris sebuah puisi
Bersama mimpi bermain ditaman
Yang penuh warna warni

Hanya kau yang bersinar
Diantara ribuan bintang
Hanya kau yang menerangi
Sekeping hati milik ku ini

Kau ku pilih
Kerana kau adalah yang terindah

Written by : Sanaa 08/05/2015

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