• Thank you friends readers and passers-by for your continuous support to my blog. I will not be able to update often now and many articles and short story left hanging in the draft box due to the pressure of time lately but nevertheless I am trying to cope with it and will post few as time goes by.

    Pleasant day and have a good life.



    Good things come to those who wait.
    Better things come to those who try.
    Best things come to those who believe.
    Desired things come to those who pray.

    "Islamic Thinking"

    A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving.
    Lao Tzu

  • February 2012
    M T W T F S S
  • Archives

“The Journey of Life”

Salam and good morning dear friends and readers,

Everyone knows life is too short for everything. We will never know what is ahead of us from our childhood days till now. Each phase of life does not give us enough space and will never give us enough because we have only 24 hours a day. Please use it wisely my dearest friends and readers because we never know what’s going to happen next.

Have a pleasant day and till we meet again…Insha’Allah

Lots of love

Sanaa 09/02/12


The journey of life is just a path.
On earth to lead our way,
A place to stop and rest awhile,
For we were never meant to stay.

The journey of life is a stepping stone,
On this path to greater things,
Life is not an empty dream,
If we rejoice in all it brings.

Each step we take will bring us closer,
When our journey in life will end,
And time for some is fleeting,
Time for others will extend.

Though the journey is not easy,
Loved one’s will take our hand,
To guide us in life’s journey,
With their footprints in the sand.

Our journey on earth to Heaven,
Will be measured by our deeds,
By how we have treated others,
And cared for others needs.

The journey is different for many,
But the destination is the same,
For eternity will await us all,
When God calls out our name.

By : Richard Netherland Cook

Compiled by : Sanaa 09/02/12